S & D Extraction will design, manufacture and install waste extraction equipment to suit your particular needs, from a one bag unit to a fully automated waste handling system.
There are many ways to dispose of the waste created, which would enable you to reduce the cost of disposal, for example, an extraction system can be connected to a storage silo with a fully automatic feed to a waste burning plant, providing heat when needed, this is ideal for MDF waste and fine dust. A baling system is also a consideration if the waste is of a good quality, this operation can create a good revenue, and is environmentally friendly. The waste can also be transported directly to a suitable trailer and recycled by bulk waste handling agents, this again may create a small return on the waste.
We also manufacture, supply or install, Machine hoods, Sanding benches, Flexible hose, replacement filters for any type of unit, Polythene collection sacks, Electrical control panels, cyclones, separating cyclones, Woodchip balers, and waste incineration equipment.
At S & D Extraction we employ the latest in CNC machine technology, ensuring the quality of all our products, a one year guarantee is standard on all electrical and mechanical parts, we also offer a 24 hour parts supply / replacement service.
In order to keep your equipment working efficiently and to keep within the safety guidelines you can also have regular testing applied, see UKLEVTESTING for further information.
Why not contact us on:-
Tel: 01983 533 894
Mob: 07768 306 109
eMail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.